Here are some tips to help you use Evercast successfully, even with a reduced internet connection.
It helps to sync with family/roommates on internet usage. Try to avoid running live Evercast sessions while other household members are video conferencing, gaming, streaming, or uploading large files.
If your internet upload speed is less than 2.5Mbps and you are the one sending the stream, we highly recommend talking on the phone with your team instead of video conferencing on Evercast, in order to save bandwidth.
You do not need Evercast video conferencing open to run EBS. As long as at least one other person is live in your Evercast room (even without you), EBS will connect and stream. This will also help save bandwidth.
You can stream with a video bitrate as low as 1000Mbps. Try reducing your bitrate in increments of 500 until you find the level that works best for your internet connection. Note that in order to change these settings, you must stop any live streams that are playing.
In the desktop app, you can adjust the bitrate in the Stream menu that pops up when you start a stream.
To adjust the bitrate in EBS, go to Settings, then click the Output tab. By default, EBS is set to 2500 (2.5Mbps).
To reduce the processing load on your computer, you can hide the participants' thumbnail (webcam) videos. This can also improve network performance.
In the desktop app, hover over the People button and choose Hide webcams.
In Evercast for Chrome, click on Layout and then Hide thumbnails.
Lowering the quality of your own webcam video will improve CPU and network performance. This only changes the quality of your webcam, not the stream video.
In the desktop app, go to your name in the top right of the window, and select Device settings.
Try adjusting your webcam resolution to a lower quality setting.
In Evercast for Chrome, go to the More button in the bottom right and select Device settings.
Adjust your webcam to a lower quality setting.