We’ve heard you! We're always working to improve your experience on Evercast. Here’s a roundup of the latest changes.
We added a new room mode, Do not disturb. When this feature is enabled, new participants can't join the room until approved by a room owner or room admin.
For more information about Do not disturb, view our help article.
Streams can now be popped out of the Evercast app window and moved around on the screen, or even to a separate monitor. We also added the stream name and a Stop stream button at the top left of each stream.
We re-architected our room lobby to increase its efficiency and stability.
In the new lobby design, the settings for the webcam, microphone, and speakers are now located in the dropdown menu for each item:
There is also a dropdown to change between conference mode and stream only mode:
You can now view and stream your Box.com mp4 files from within your Evercast room. The files will be accessible in a side panel which will also display your account information, the version number of the file, and comments or chats attached to the file.
Streamed files have the same playback controls as other types of streams (play, pause, scrub, control volume, etc.).
In order to use the Box.com integration, you will need to add *.evercast.us to your company’s firewall list — click here for more information.
We improved the performance of the draw tool and the recordings feature.
We are continuously upgrading our server architecture, to increase system stability and expand our global low-latency network. In this new architecture, our rooms "hibernate" when not in use. The first participant to join an idle room will experience a longer load time while the system brings the room server out of hibernation. Additional participants to join the room will experience a faster load time than previous versions of Evercast.
To experience these features and more, make sure to update your Evercast app for Mac and Windows.
Happy streaming! Stay tuned until next time.